File Upload Page

File Upload Page

Upload your files and enter contact details below

Note: Select the file(s) that you’d like to send to LIFOPro by clicking the browse button, enter your contact information in the fields below & press the submit button to upload your file(s)

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 40 files.

You will receive a email confirming receipt of file delivery after you have uploaded your file(s).

LIFOPro Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement:

LIFOPro recognizes Confidential Information to be any information or personal data that it receives from a company or CPA firm on behalf of their clientele in the process of financial reporting or tax planning & preparation. LIFOPro pledges not to disclose any information provided to us by companies or CPA firms in the process of performing a LIFO calculation services cost estimate & under no circumstances may it disclose such data to third parties.

LIFOPro undertakes to maintain the technical and organizational steps required to guarantee data security and prevent their alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access, according to the security level required pursuant to the aforementioned legislation. These steps refer to the files, processing centers, premises, equipment, systems, programs and people involved in processing.

Download LIFOPro's Non-Disclosure Agreement Fillable Form

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